10 de diciembre de 2020

Pak choi with green beans

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1 pack of Pak Choi, 750 g of green beans , 2 small, chopped spring onions, 6 cloves of garlic, sliced, 100 ml. of tomato sofrito, 1 soup spoon of spicy La Vera paprika, salt and pepper.

Clean and cut the beans into long strips. Sauté the spring onions with the garlic and olive oil. Add the paprika to the tomato sofrito and stir. Add the green beans and a pinch of salt, stirring. Cover and leave to stew over a low heat for 5 or 6 minutes. Rinse the Pak Choi in water. Use a knife to separate the stalks from the green leaves. Chop the stalks into thick pieces and add them to the pot on top of the green beans. Leave them for a few minutes so they can absorb the flavour and then finally, add the green leaves, stir them around for just a few seconds, correcting the seasoning as required. You’re all set!