10 de diciembre de 2020

Romaine lettuce with orange, cheese and almonds

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1 packet of romaine lettuce, 1x100g loin of desalted cod, 2 peeled garlic cloves, 1 sprig of fresh parsley, 4 soup spoons of extra virgin olive oil, 2 oranges, 2 soup spoons of sherry vinegar, 10 toasted and peeled almonds, 150g fresh cheese, 1 handful of black olives.

Tear the cod apart by hand and place it at the bottom of a bowl, stirring in the crushed garlic, the chopped parsley and 2 soup spoons of olive oil.
Pull the leaves off the romaine lettuce and place them on top of the seasoned cod.
Peel the oranges, removing taking the white membrane and separating the segments making sure they come away clean and place them on the salad.
In a jar, add the juice by squeezing the orange segments in your fist and adding the vinegar, 2 soup spoons of oil and salt and pepper.
Close the jar and shake it to make the vinaigrette emulsify.
Place the almonds, crumbled cheese and olives on the salad.
Pour on the freshly made vinaigrette.
You’re ready to go!